In many cases, when our nations warfighters separate from service they are left with a feeling of loss and loneliness. This stems from the fact that these men and women have lived, laughed, cried, ate, worked out, slept and bled with their bothers and sisters in arms for many years, and in some of the worst imaginable conditions. The loss of their comradery and purpose tend to lead warriors into depression and even can end up resulting in the tragedy of suicide.
We have found a way to help our nations hero's and heroin’s to revive that purpose they once had by providing them a mission. We help them rebuild their brotherhood by giving them a team to be a part of again, a team made up of their peers who share something much deeper than blood. Tasking them with an important mission that must be completed will give them a milestone to strive for.
Their mission is to leave from Big Lake, Alaska, as riders of the Iron Dog Expedition Class, on a snowmachine and reach their objective in Nome, Alaska. The Iron Dog is the worlds longest and hardest snowmachine race. Our team is only racing the clock and not anyone else. This is because along the way they will reach out to some of Alaska's most remote veterans who may live along the way and reminding them that they are not alone and giving them information on available resources that they may not be informed about.
To achieve this mission, they must act as a unit. They cannot achieve their mission on their own. Much like in the military, they will have to train together and help each other, making their bond even deeper. They must be able to rely on each other, through sub-zero temperatures, hurricane force winds, nights that seem to never end, and the general discomfort of being in Alaska's most wild and unforgiving terrain, in the harshest of conditions.